Sunday, January 12, 2014

Happy (Belated) New Year!

We brought in the New Year at church, starting with a service, then snacks, then we watched a docu-drama about the life of Fanny Crosby.  It was very interesting and informational.  She wrote so many hymns that she was assigned various pen names so the hymn books wouldn't be full of hymns seemingly written by one person.  Amusing fact: one of her many pen names was James Appel!  
Then, we went downstairs and had more snacks, and the few and brave-hearted stayed until the wee hours of New Year's Day.

Amy, Ruth and Tabitha, after a rousing game of Dutch Blitz

Me and my little friend, Toriana

Tori wanted to take a picture with my camera. This is her stunning self portrait! :)

Elizabeth, playing Guesstures. Very amusing!

I like quick, involved games, like Dutch Blitz.  With 6 or 8 competitive females, this was definitely quick and involved! (and LOUD!)

{next 3 photos courtesy of Tyler, who is a budding artist and photographer :)}

The dessert table...need we say more?

Colton. Definitely a candid shot!

After we finished playing games, we drew with the little kiddos until...

Midnight finally struck!  We stayed until about 5 after, and called it a night.

Happy 2014!

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