Monday, January 6, 2014

Birthday Boy

 On Christmas Eve, we celebrated Robbie's 22nd birthday.  
Wow! He's getting old! (Hmm...what does that make me :) ?)
We made him a special birthday lunch, and invited my Grandpa Logan over to eat with us.

Pepperoni lasagna

Rebekah made some yummy, fudgy brownies, and I decorated them.  We didn't have any birthday candles, so we used a tealight.

The birthday boy, celebrating the double 2!

Aunt Carol sent home a Duck Dynasty puzzle that she had gotten from the White Elephant gift exchange at camp.  She said it creeped her out to touch all the "beard" puzzle pieces.  Since I'm sure she doesn't read blogs, I feel it's safe to write what the plan for this delightful item is.  Robbie is going to put it together, frame it, and give it back to her for her birthday in late January!  What goes around comes around. :)

A very spiffy tie, from the ever-resourceful Ruth, who found it on sale at Kohls last spring.  Robbie has the biggest tie collection I have personally seen!  He has them categorized in shoe boxes, with labels like "solids/stripes," "plaid and paisley," etc.

Thought I'd share a few pics from Robbie's past birthdays:

The day Robbie was born, before we went to the hospital to see him.  

We had heard before that we were getting a baby, but not understanding "logistics" figured Dad and Mom were going to the hospital to pick it out.  They picked an interesting one, that's for sure! :)  We wanted to help name him, offering stunning suggestions such as "Pepper" and "Christmas Tree Boomer."  (Boomer was the name of a beloved doll we had.)  Mom didn't care for either of them, so they named him after Dad-Robert Edward Logan II.

Our teeny, tiny Christmas baby, weighing just over 6 lbs.
Poor thing, no one deserves 3 "mommies"

His first birthday

Birthday number 4

Whenever I want to smile, I get out some of my photo albums and look at the pictures.  Here's a few candid ones of Robbie :)

Mom must not have been watching him, because I know she never let us kids play in the oven!

He's very dramatic, and good at facial expressions!  This one was taken after the exhaust pipe 
fell off our van.

Robbie impersonating a Ram

He's sure a character, but I wouldn't trade him for a million well-behaved brothers!

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful, but his delight is in the law of the Lord..."
Psalm 1

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