Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Girls Get Away Part 2

Saturday morning, after a short night's sleep (it was our own fault), we got up and enjoyed a scrumptious breakfast.  The hotel had hot breakfast, and you could make your own waffles.  The waffle cooker had an "AmericInn" stamp on it, so when your waffle came out, it had the hotel insignia on it-very cool!  

The view from our room.  The large white blob on the window is a snowball someone threw from outside!

Miss Charity joined the ranks and we headed to New Glarus-about 20 minutes from Monroe.  It is a small, touristy town with Swiss roots.

Street signs

We visited some cute little shops.  They were all very quaint.


These bracelets and keychains were made from braided horsehair

This place had a lot of beautiful handpainted pottery

Lovely..but a little pricey!

It is really a very charming little place.  There are painted cow statues all over the town:

After shopping, we went to Culver's - time for a little American culture!

All our order numbers-the restaurant was crazily busy!

After lunch, we did something really girly, and visited the bridal shop.

I was asking the lady that worked there if they had any jackets to go over the gowns, if they did alterations, etc., and she asked me when the big day was.  I told her we hadn't planned it yet! :)

Here comes the (future) bride!  Dum, Dum, Dum-Dum

I thought this one was pretty!

All in all, it was a very fun, relaxing day, and I thoroughly enjoyed spending non-work time with good friends.

Wrapping things up...as the Swiss say:


The Girls Get Away

Every now and then in our busy schedule, we find times for a girl's getaway.  Sometimes, we go to Brodhead, sometimes we go up to a Driftwood cabin, but...this most recent one could 
very well be Best Ever!

Last Friday, Mr. Scott let us off work after lunch.  Ruth, Hannah, Angie and I packed up and headed off to Monroe, Wi, where we had booked a room at the AmericInn hotel...lovely!

The room was neat and clean...

...well, pretty clean.  The housekeeping ladies decided it needed a little touch-up.  Hannah had brought cleaning wipes for that purpose!  CJ does cleaning right!

A view through the peephole

Our hotel room was actually two rooms.  One of them had this whirlpool in it...nice!

We ordered the lunchbox special from Pizza Hut.  YUM!

Hanah did all our nails...are we spoiled or what?

We were able to (to use a trendy word) Chillax.  It was such a blessing!


(Hannah pic)
 We got to go swimming-it was a blast!  Hannah had us cracking up with her animal impersonations!
This is the hot tub: IN-CREDIBLE!  By the way, sitting in a hot tub is a very good way to soak fresh nail polish off, should you ever need to have some removed! :)

(Hannah pic)
 Ready for the big plunge

(Hannah pic)
It was snowing heavily outside, but was warm and toasty inside.  Not only was the pool heated, but we also had it entirely to ourselves.  I'm sure any guests desiring a late-night swim would have reconsidered after hearing the unearthly noises coming from the pool area!

Happy Birthday, Big Sis!

I am unfortunately posting this from Wisconsin while Rebekah is celebrating (?) her birthday in Illinois.  We had planned to go home Sunday afternoon, but due to nasty road conditions, we had to postpone it until this weekend.

I am so very thankful to the Lord for my big sister.  She is one of my best friends.  We have been through a lot together.  We have gotten into a lot of trouble together.  We did geometry class together.  We acted up during "nap time" together.  We poured water into Ruth's crib together. (Mom thought she wet the bed :) )

There is no substitute for a friend who has been through so much with you, has seen your very worst side, and loves you anyhow.

My sister is that kind of friend.  It's been neat to see how she has grown in grace over the years.  She is mature and kind, and helps balance out my impulsiveness with her quiet sense and reasoning.  I never have to wonder if she'll repeat secrets I tell her...she is faithful and true...And I love her.

Me, Rebekah and Ruth-3 Peas in a Pod

"A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."
-Proverbs 17:17

Happy Birthday, Rebekah! I love you - GTD (you know!)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Old Faithful Lives Again

Okay, so you know you're getting old and sentimental when you get attatched to a kitchen stool.  We've had this thing probably at least 10 years.  It's been here ever since I have.  I've recovered the seat twice, and we've reinforced the back with old wire hangers twice also.  Last weekend, it finally got to the point where it was no longer safe to use.  So, we decided to get rid of it. 

That slant is not exaggerated.  It was in bad shape! Here's where the drama unfolds... (our lives are not interesting enough, so we have to make everyday things dramatic...ordinary people would have put the stool out by the curb, but...)

(suspenseful music plays)

"Time to say goodbye..."

"From this valley they say you are going.."

"Oh, I can't look!  This is all so horrible!"

It's over...sob!

But, wait!


Today, the kitchen stool was back!  Aunt Carol very matter-of-factly said "If that thing goes, I go.  It's been here as long as I have." (Yes she really said that.)  She took it over and put a new bolt on one of the legs.  I reckon it will service us for another ten years now!

The masterpiece

It's a beautiful thing!

Acting and casting for this remarkable true story was done by Abbey Lange.  Professional photography and creative writing by Rachel Logan.  Taking matter into her own hands was Aunt Carol.  Repairs done by I have no idea who.  Any captions resembling words to real songs are coincidental.  All rights reserved.  copyright (c) 2014 

DIY Magic Shell

Ruth and Hannah have been trying to come up with some new ideas for Snack Shop goodies.  Ruth came across a recipe for homemade Magic Shell, which is that runny stuff you pour over ice cream, and it hardens, and you can crack it by whacking it with a spoon.  So, she tried it out today, and gave us free samples! :)
It's really simple- just 2 ingredients:

Homemade Chocolate Magic Shell

1 cup chocolate chips ( you could use another kind of chips if you wanted)
2 Tbsp. coconut oil

You melt the chocolate chips and coconut oil together in a double boiler until it's smooth

Then, you pour it over the ice cream and let it sit until it hardens.
It is yummy!

Hee, Hee, I can't wait try it!

The temptation was just too much to resist!

From the goofy archives:

I scream,

you scream,

The cops come...

It's awkward.

Birthdays-CJ style

This week, we had two birthdays-Miss Charity's and Aunt Carols.  Birthdays at camp can be very interesting...Actually, they are always interesting!  We are easily entertained, and logic says: if you are easy to entertain, might as well entertain cheaply!  Creative minds don't need expensive items to decorate and celebrate!  And though our minds may not be entirely intact (no comments!) they are creative!

Decorating the Heritage room for Aunt Carol's birthday.  She almost didn't come to her own birthday meal!  She was trying to hide out in town...tsk, tsk

A wild balloon for a lady with a decided wild side!

Miss Charity made this cake for Aunt Carol.  She made it from scratch with homemade butter.  That's impressive!

blowing the candles out

I don't have any pictures of Miss Charity's b-day.  I decorated the office doors with chalk paint.  My housekeeping sister suggested reserving chalk paint for the summer months, as removing it from the office doors gave her great difficulty, with this cold weather :(

Birthdays are always special...real special!

On my last birthday, Jenna and the girls stayed up all hours of the night decorating the kitchen.  I found these balloons stuffed in my cubby!

For Hannah's birthday, we put on sombreros and sang "Sapo verde eres tu," to the tune of "Happy Birthday."  I know it sounds pretty impressive to the non-Hispanic person.  It actually means "You are a green toad!"  

Ben VP, the little chaparito.  He makes a good Mexican!  Wrong accent, though!
(chaparito is Spanish for little bunny, I think! :) )

Carrying on the Spanish line, Jenna made this cake for my birthday!

One of the summer kitchen girls got this giant gummy bear for her birthday!  

Sapo verde eres tu!