Thursday, February 27, 2014

Happy Birthday, Little Sis!

Happy Birthday, Ruth!

Today was my sister Ruth's 24th birthday!  We didn't make as big of a deal as I would have liked to, but after work, all of us camp staff went to McDonald's to celebrate.  I made a couple of cheesecakes-  far yummier than cake and ice cream!

Ruth is definitely one of my favorite people.  She suffered many years of Rebekah and I ganging up on her until we decided she was a fit human being to hang around with!  After the first few initial years of cattiness and cliqueshness, All of us girls decided we liked each other, and have gotten along pretty well since then.  We don't always agree on everything-we all have strong opinions that don't always jive, but somehow those opinions aren't worth losing a friendship over!

Ruth is a very wise and prudent young woman.  She has a lot of discernment for her age, and thinks things through carefully before making a decision.  She is consistent in her walk with the Lord, and I think that contributes to her stable personality.  She is a great blessing to me, and helps me to see the other (wiser) side of issues before I plunge in headfirst.  She reminds me a lot of my mom.  But, she's not entirely serious!  Her sense of humor, especially in writing, cracks me up!  Also, she makes the best slurping and smacking sound effects with the duck puppet in the nursery!  We were watching some little kids a few weeks ago, and Ruth picked up this fat duck puppet and proceeded to "eat" some of the other toys.  It was an attempt to amuse the children, but in the process, she cracked us both up!  The kids were looking at us like we were nuts!  I appreciate and love my sister so much!

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies."

The Three R's-THEN

The Three R's-NOW


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy Birthday Ruth! This is a beautiful post. I would have revised my previous comment, but there is only delete or reply. You are all three very much favorites of our family. You are all three godly, virtuous, young ladies. You are fun to be around too. Praise the Lord for the godly heritage your mom and dad have given you!
