Thursday, February 27, 2014

Happy Birthday, Little Sis!

Happy Birthday, Ruth!

Today was my sister Ruth's 24th birthday!  We didn't make as big of a deal as I would have liked to, but after work, all of us camp staff went to McDonald's to celebrate.  I made a couple of cheesecakes-  far yummier than cake and ice cream!

Ruth is definitely one of my favorite people.  She suffered many years of Rebekah and I ganging up on her until we decided she was a fit human being to hang around with!  After the first few initial years of cattiness and cliqueshness, All of us girls decided we liked each other, and have gotten along pretty well since then.  We don't always agree on everything-we all have strong opinions that don't always jive, but somehow those opinions aren't worth losing a friendship over!

Ruth is a very wise and prudent young woman.  She has a lot of discernment for her age, and thinks things through carefully before making a decision.  She is consistent in her walk with the Lord, and I think that contributes to her stable personality.  She is a great blessing to me, and helps me to see the other (wiser) side of issues before I plunge in headfirst.  She reminds me a lot of my mom.  But, she's not entirely serious!  Her sense of humor, especially in writing, cracks me up!  Also, she makes the best slurping and smacking sound effects with the duck puppet in the nursery!  We were watching some little kids a few weeks ago, and Ruth picked up this fat duck puppet and proceeded to "eat" some of the other toys.  It was an attempt to amuse the children, but in the process, she cracked us both up!  The kids were looking at us like we were nuts!  I appreciate and love my sister so much!

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies."

The Three R's-THEN

The Three R's-NOW

Sunday, February 16, 2014

My Little Brother Has a Fiancee!

On Saturday, my brother asked Angelique Marie Drew to marry him.  The first thing she said...


Then, realizing what he was asking, she replied with a resounding 


Rob and Angie <3<3

Angie is such a joy to be around, and she fits in well with our family, which is no small feat! :)  This is the story from the big sister perspective:

Approximately 3 years ago:

Ruth mentioned that she thought maybe Robbie had his eye on someone.  I had thought the same thing, only a different person!  Ruth told me that she thought he might be interested in Angie Drew.  Honestly, I've never met another girl who I thought would go well with him, and it really seemed like it could work out.  So, we started observing, and noticing reactions when they were together.  Robbie would come to camp and help out on the weekends, so they got to know each other in a work environment.  He picked on her, but that was nothing unusual, right?  Robbie picks on everyone!

About 2 years ago:

Robbie came and helped out for the Valentine's Banquet.  After cleanup, he asked me if he could talk to me about something.  Instinctively, I knew it was about a girl, and I was pretty sure it was about Angie, even though he had never said anything.  (Big sisters are pretty nosy observant of any romantic interests their brothers have!)  It didn't work out that weekend, because there were a lot of people around, so the next time we went home to Illinois, we drove to church together.  This is about the way the conversation went.

Robbie:  So...I wanted to talk to you about you know what it is...
Me: Maybe
Robbie...Well,...what do you think it is?...(hesitates, face turning slightly red.)
Me:  You tell me
Robbie: tell me what you think it is...
Me: You said you wanted to talk to me about something.  I figured you were either in trouble with the law, or were interested in a girl
Robbie:  Well, you have any idea which one?
Me:  The girl?
Robbie: Which girl?
Me: You tell me!
Robbie:...No, you tell me who you think it might be...
Me:  Someone I live with?
Me:  Good choice-we were thinking the same thing!  I knew that's why you wanted to talk to me! :)

Then, we were actually able to talk about Angie without all the awkward pauses and such!  I respected him for choosing a girl who wasn't "out there" trying to attract men's attention, a girl who was a homemaker, a Godly girl with a meek, quiet spirit.  It was a relief knowing he wasn't going to be "shopping" for girls at college, but had noticed Angie as she went about serving the Lord, doing just what she was supposed to do.  Our whole family loves Angie.  Dad didn't know her very well, and said "Well, Angie, I like you until you give me a reason not to!" (so far, so good!)  My mom really liked Angie, and developed a love for her even before Robbie and Angie's relationship started.  All of us girls have worked in the kitchen with Angie for the last few years, and she's become like another sister to us.  We remind Robbie "We liked her first!"

After Robbie talked to Dad about starting a friendship with Angie,  He wrote and asked her Dad if he could begin corresponding.  Her Dad wrote a really sweet email, giving Robbie permission, and telling him how special his daughter was.  When Angie found out, she was all flustered!  Then, the day Robbie came in person to meet with her, she was REALLY flustered!  She was ripping up rags, and then when Robbie tried to talk to her, she went and hid!  She finally came out and they were able to kick off their relationship!

1 year ago:

Robbie and Dad met Mr. Drew halfway between here and Texas, and Robbie asked if he could officially court Angie.  Mr. Drew said yes, and so did Angie!

Aaaaand...the rest is history!

It'll be exciting to see what the Lord has in store for them.  I can guarantee one thing...their life will not be boring!

"To everything, there is a Season." ~Ecclesiastes 3:1

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sayings and Signs

I enjoy reading quotes, especially short-and-to-the-point kind of sayings. These are a few signs and sayings from our New Glarus trip.  They make me smile :)

inside: "And then I thought, 'Maybe this much awesomeness
 couldn't possible fit into a smaller size.' " :)


We should post this one at the camp entrance!

If you can't read it in the pic, the bottom of the sign says "Cheer accordingly or shut up." 
tsk, tsk, those radical Packers fans!


(it's amazing how many terms of endearment involve food: "punkin," "sugar bear," "lambie pie," "sweetcakes"...

This is a Hershey's chocolate platter.  I like chocolate, but I'm not sure it trumps meat!

Hmmm...unfortunately this one's not humorous-more like a scary reality!

Psalm 91

Psalm 91 has become one of my favorite Psalms as of late. This year has been one of some uncertainties, and my "security blankets" have all been taken away from me.  When the circumstances and people I rely on for my security are removed...there is only God.  It's easy to say "God is enough," and I know it's true, but does my life show that reality?  This Psalm is an incredible reminder of  God's protection for me, even through doubts, through being afraid, and through the spiritual "wars" that have seemed unrelenting.  This is truly a picture of God as my Father.  I won't type out the whole chapter, but here's a few highlights:

vs. 1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the
  shadow of the Almighty.

vs. 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God: in him will I trust

vs. 4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler

vs. 14-16 (God's perspective) Because he hath set his love upon me, 
therefore will I deliver him: 

I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.  

He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: 

I will be with him in trouble; 

I will deliver him, and honour him. 

With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

Wow!  This is truth, straight from the word of God.  Why he would do all this for us poor, miserable humans is beyond me, but I'm not God...HE IS!

I'm looking forward to seeing these realities come out in my own life.  
I suppose it's worth the struggle... If I don't face hard things, I don't need deliverance.  
If I don't face storms, I don't need shelter.  
If I don't have trouble, I won't need him to rescue me.  

(maybe kind of a gentle, little by little, put-it-to-me-softly kind of trial ! :) )

This has just been such an encouraging chapter.  I'm contemplating rewriting some of it in poetic form and setting it to music...we'll see!