Sunday, December 8, 2013

So Much Hurt

Every time I go out to town, anywhere where there is a lot of people, I am reminded...
There is so much hurt
People smile, try to act happy, accomplished, successful,'s still there
In their eyes you can see their pain, though they try to mask it.
Going through a messy divorce, Losing your kid to drugs, Watching someone you deeply love waste away due to disease, Feeling your life spinning out of control...
It all contributes to the pain of your heart.
Some people try alchohol.  That helps for a while, but as the pain gets worse and worse, the alchohol consumed becomes more and more.  Some commit suicide.  That ends the misery here, but only opens a whole new world of misery for the ones left behind, and for the eternal soul who has chosen a real Hell over the hell of his life. 
 But, most endure it, experimenting with one thing after another,
 trying in vain to find meaning in life. 
What's the answer? Is there an answer? Will the pain I feel ever go away?
 Does life have any meaning? Why can't I find that meaning?
I humbly submit...God is the answer
He says "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and
I will give you rest..." (Matthew 11:28)
Jesus Christ is the answer for the sin sick soul.  There is no other rest,
no other refuge from the pain and the agony.
If I accept and follow Christ, will my life be easy and carefree?
There is a cost.  Verse 29 of Matthew 11 says, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me..." There is a yoke for each Christian, but as the very next verse says, "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light." The life of a child of God cannot exactly be called carefree.  There is a high price to pay.  Yet, in comparison to burdened life lived by the majority of the population, the Christian life is a life that can be lived victoriously.  The trials of every day life may still be there, but so is God
He will never, never leave or forsake you.  He will never let you down.  He will never fail you...ever.
My prayer as I go out and about is that God would help me to see and minister to these hurting hearts.
"...and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you...
a heart of flesh." -Ezekiel 36:26b

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