Wednesday, December 4, 2013

French Pastry Chef?

On Saturday of this week, I am helping to host a Christmas ladies' brunch at a small church in our area.  Each day, I've been getting a couple things ready so crunch time is not so bad. Last night (Tuesday) I tried my hand at French Crepes, which are the base for what will be Raspberry Cheesecake Crepes. I got the recipe off, probably the best recipe website I know of.  We use it all the time in the camp kitchen.
The batter, which is quite thin
You pour a little batter in your skillet, then tilt it until it coats the pan, let it cook a minute, then flip it.  I think you are supposed to use a round pan, but mine had deep sides, and the first few I made ended up all balled up from trying to flip them! :(

The finished product! I rolled them up and stuck them in the fridge overnight

 I probably shouldn't be cooking at this time of night, especially since... (see pic. below)
I was kinda tired and forgot that I had this one still on. Ugh! I've heard that French cooking is a very precise art, with precisely measured ingredients, cooking methods, etc. 
I'm afraid I've just disgraced the French.
The next day, I rolled them up with this yummy Raspberry Cheesecake filling.  The ingredients: cream cheese, sour cream, powdered sugar, fresh lemon juice, fresh raspberries.  Amounts? Oh, I don't know- I just added stuff until it looked and tasted good.  I think I am not a French chef.
This is what they looked like in the end. Oui, Oui, Monsieur! all the way home! :)

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