Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Relic to Relish

This is so cool!!!
A lady from Illinois donated an old pump organ to camp.  The manufacturer is J.G. Earhuff, who produced it in St. Paul, Minnesota.  There was no serial number or date, but an online site said that the specific place this one was made was in operation from 1888 to 1906, so it's a little over a hundred years old.  It still works fabulously.  We've been having fun tinkering around with it. :)

We parked it in the Heritage Room for the time being.

Only one of the keys sticks...the very lowest one. Pretty good for being over a century old.  It's refreshing to see something that wasn't made in China!

These little knobs pull out, and each one gives a slightly different sound.  This is probably where the expression "pull out all the stops" comes from!

You pump these pedals like a bicycle while you play.  That provides the air that the organ gets its sound from.  It serves double duty-you get a good workout while you are practicing!

Ruth, the virtuoso, playing our new favorite relic. :) It's so much fun!  And loud, too!
"Sun of My Soul"

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